On January 9th, 2015, Jorge Jauregui (President WFPMA) and Pieter Haen (Past President WFPMA) invited the member organizations to the “WFPMA talent management for SMEs and FOBs research study” and announced the survey.
Smaller organizations are the cornerstone and source of innovation in all economies worldwide. And talent management is key to company performance.
With your support, WFPMA aims to reach more than 4000 responses worldwide. The study will create actionable insights for you.
As supporting country organization you will receive exclusive results beyond the global report.
Please find survey links for different languages:
At your convenience and choice, we offer you a short communication proposal for your members in different languages (see word document).
Please invite your members near-term to participate in the survey within the next four weeks!
For any questions, feel free to contact the WFPMA project team.
This summary is also available to you in French, German, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish.